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Summertime travel to Virginia Beach may increase potential for car accidents in the area

AAA spokesperson Ryan Adcock said he “sees crashes every day on the road” in Virginia Beach.

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — Prime vacation time this summer is in full swing!

While driving at any given time can cause anxiety, during the summer months in Virginia Beach, things tend to get a little more congested and stressful. Between locals and tourists hitting the beaches, there has been an increase of people on the roads, creating a mix of different drivers. 

In fact, Ryan Adcock, a spokesperson from AAA, said the mix of drivers and bad habits like texting while driving can “contribute to there being more crashes per capita.”

Meaning there is potential for more accidents in the area. 

“It's not only your safety you have to think about when you're out on the road, but everyone else as well,” Adcock said. 

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In addition to the mix of people and texting while driving, some other major issues that cause accidents can be speeding and road rage.

According to the Association for Psychological Science, during the hot summer months and extreme heat, people tend to be more on edge with their temper, leading to road rage incidents becoming more common. 

“Giving yourself an emotional once over, making sure that you are emotionally well, as well as physically and mentally able to drive because that's where 100% of your focus needs to be,” Adcock said. 

Overall, to stay safe while out on the roads, Adcock said to always stay focused while driving and to look out for other drivers. 

“Driving with patience, driving with grace, and making sure we're following the rules of the road, because at the end of the day, everyone needs to get home safely to their families,” he explained.

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