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Meet the candidates running for Virginia Beach City Council in 2024

This year, District 1, 3, 5, 7 and a special election for District 8 are on the ballot.

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — On Nov. 5, Virginia Beach voters will elect five city council members. Districts 1, 3, 5 and 7 are up for grabs. There’s also a special election in District 8, as council member Chris Taylor vacates his seat to run for Mayor. Voters can locate their district on the Virginia Department of Elections website. Sample ballots by district are available on the City of Virginia Beach website.

Voters will also cast ballots for the U.S. President, Senate and House of Representatives. Virginia voters will also decide on a proposed amendment to the state constitution. Some Virginia Beach voters will also elect school board representatives.

Each candidate for city council received an invitation to speak with 13News Now. Districts are listed in numerical order, and candidate names are in alphabetical order.

RELATED: 2024 Virginia voter guide: Who's on the ballot, voter registration deadlines, and more

District 1

Ryan Gilliam

Why did you decide to run for Virginia Beach City Council?

I’m the president of the Brigadoon Civic League. It was that civic involvement that ushered me into this. I have to be honest, I never expected to run for political office. I saw the way certain things were being ran, and I thought, “Oh man, I’m going to do it.” As a blue collar, working class guy, it was more and more difficult for me to make ends meet.

Why do you believe you are the best candidate for this seat?

In our current form of republican government, you need to have fresh blood. You need to have people coming in and also gaining experience. I want young guys and gals to get the same lightning bolt that hit me. I can get involved. Experience matters, but so do fresh ideas.

I’m the guy that knows what it’s like to live paycheck to paycheck. I’m the guy who knows what it’s like to wonder if I’m going to be able to provide my family. I have to make hard decisions because I can’t print off more money; I can’t extend large lines of credit. I live it every day. As your councilman, I will treat your taxpayer dollars with the same care and diligence I do my own family’s.

David Hutcheson (Incumbent)

Why did you decide to run for Virginia Beach City Council?

I had a great career with the fire department, I’m very proud of it. As I got to deputy chief level, I started sitting on a lot of committees, so for the last 15 years, I’ve worked with a lot of city teams. Natural progression, working with the city manager, I had an interest in it. I represent the folks of Kempsville, but I’m more than capable of seeing the big picture.

Why do you believe you are the best candidate for this seat?

I was the recruiting officer for the fire department for four years, so I just believe I have all the tools in the toolbox to help carry the city forward in a positive way. I’m also very collaborative. I like to take in a lot of information and make the best decision. I want to hear from the folks that aren’t happy and figure out what it is we need to do to help them.

I spearheaded, as assessments went up, we lowered the tax two cents. I was one of the first people who suggested it for some tax relief. I believe in this city, I love this city. We all care for this city, it is a great city. We’re moving it forward.

District 3

Michael Berlucchi (Incumbent)

What have you learned about the city during your tenure on Virginia Beach City Council?

Serving my neighbors and fellow Virginia Beach citizens on our city council has been the greatest honor and responsibility of Virginia Beach, what I’ve learned is what I already knew. The people of Virginia Beach are amazing, incredible and connected. In Virginia Beach, you can choose your lifestyle. There’s something for everyone here.

Why do you believe you are the best candidate for this seat?

Serving this community for more than 5 years, my record shows what I’ve prioritized. We have delivered on flood protection. We continue to support public safety professionals and ensure we have the safest community of our size. We have the best school division. I’ve delivered for the residents of District 3 and served them with distinction. I look forward to the opportunity to continue the honor and responsibility of serving my neighbors and friends.

I’m the candidate who will keep Virginia Beach safe, affordable, with a roaring economy and opportunity for everyone.

Christina Miriam Felder

Why did you decide to run for Virginia Beach City Council?

From being a child, to adulthood, to motherhood and raising a child and purchasing a home, I saw I’m putting all this money into property taxes. What am I benefiting from it? I saw my streets are not paved right in front of my home. I saw the schools are lacking resources. We’re deteriorating right in front of my eyes.

Why do you believe you are the best candidate for this seat?

[I was] raised here, since the age of three. This is my life. I never moved out of District 3 and now I’m raising my own child here. I’m a mother, full-time worker, I’ve worked for Virginia Beach City Public Schools a good ten years now.

We need to see the benefit from our labor come back to us, and I haven’t seen that. I’m straight to the point. When I’m in there, we’re just going to get it done. I know how to manage my money. I know how to manage my time.

Cleon Jones

Why did you decide to run for Virginia Beach City Council?

I’ve been a firefighter for 28 years with the city. I’ve worked for the citizens for 28 years in this area, so I’ve seen a lot of change over the years. Over time, it was one of those things that, I’m just trying to make a difference and that’s what brought us here. 

Why do you believe you are the best candidate for this seat?

I’ve lived here, I’ve worked here, I already know the people. A lot of the issues people are talking about are the same issues over and over and over. I’m a blue collar worker, so I deal with the same issues they’re dealing with because I work here, I live here. A lot of people who don’t work for the city don’t understand the true problems we’re facing.

I’m an average guy, I’m a funny guy. I love conversations with people. I love just hanging out. I’m an easy-going person, easy to approach, very transparent. I encourage people to call and talk to me and ask me a question. I’ll give you an answer, and if I don’t know the answer, we’ll get the answer.

District 5

L.G. Shaw

Why did you decide to run for Virginia Beach City Council?

I was born and raised in what is now the 5th District. My family has been part of Wave Riding Vehicles since it started. I love the neighborhood, I love the community we have, the businesses we’ve grown. I want Virginia Beach to be everything I hoped it could be, and I think we’ve done a lot of the groundwork the city needs. I believe we have a huge opportunity in front of us, and the beach community can provide a huge vision for that.

Why do you believe you are the best candidate for this seat?

With the growth the city’s experiencing in the next few years, a few missteps could take the city off course. If the compass is one or degrees off course, we could run aground. We’ve got to make sure the city has good guidance and good leadership.

Living and breathing this community my whole life, I don’t need a consultant to tell me what the community needs. Living my entire life on the beach with my friends and family, I think I can be a good guiding light for everything we need to do. I’m the candidate who got it done: that would be a great legacy for my kids. I think my gut is tuned in to what the beach needs.

Rosemary Wilson (Incumbent)

What have you learned about the city during your tenure on Virginia Beach City Council?

Being a lifelong resident of Virginia Beach, serving the city and the citizens is really important to me. There’s been tremendous changes in the growth of our city. The issues have changed. For example, sea level rise and storm water flooding have become one of our major priorities. The biggest issue we’re facing right now is inflation. All of our projects are coming in way, way over what was estimated.

Why do you believe you are the best candidate for this seat?

This is a really big job. I think sometimes people don’t realize we’re the largest city in the state. Just knowing how to get things done, I have a slogan that’s “leadership that delivers” because I’ve been able to get things accomplished, and I know how to work with people. You have to be able to work with your colleagues in order to get things done.

I’m sure [my opponent] is a good fella, but he certainly doesn’t have the experience, looking at his resume. Having that kind of experience and knowing what’s coming and how to help is going to be very important.

District 7

Cash Jackson-Green

Why did you decide to run for Virginia Beach City Council?

Because I’m in the car business, I’m often meeting people. They discuss their budgets with me, and I realized I’m good at negotiating where the dealership could make some money and customers could still leave with some cash green in their pockets. I’m on two city council boards, so I’m able to see it’s about people, it’s about budgets. I feel like I can help.  

Why do you think you’re the best candidate for this seat?

I’m relatable when it comes to socioeconomics. When it comes to the lowest paying jobs, I’ve been there. When it comes to not having a father figure, I’ve been there. When it comes to making money and buying your first house, I’ve been there. I’m relatable, and most importantly, I can negotiate a better deal for our residents.

I’m going to go wherever I need to go to get the job accomplished, regardless of political leanings. It’s about the future of Virginia Beach, and I can make a difference. I’m going to speak up for the people. I’m good at making sure both sides are happy.

Mabinty Saffie Scott 

Did not respond to requests for comment. 

District 8 Special Election

Cody Conner

Why did you decide to run for Virginia Beach City Council?

It comes down to accountability and capability. We’ve spent a lot of time wishing there was somebody in government who represented us. Paycheck earners versus paycheck writers. I think we need a government that concentrates on the ground up.

Why do you think you’re the best candidate for this seat?

I have over 20 years of experience in the trades. I have over a decade of experience managing facilities. I know what the working people are going through. I think some of the biggest challenges facing our city right now are building, infrastructure and affordable housing. These are things I know intimately, things I’ve run throughout my career.

I’m the candidate that brings us together to make Virginia Beach stronger. Despite our differences, we’re all just people trying to make our community better. Some of my opponents want to focus on singular issues and that’s not really how long-term, sustainable solutions work.

Stacy Cummings

Why did you decide to run for Virginia Beach City Council?

A year ago about this time, we sold Priority Automotive. I’m retired, and I had time and energy. I’ve always had an interest in local politics, and I feel as though I’m the somebody who can do something to make our city an even better place to live.

Why do you think you’re the best candidate for this seat?

I have the experience of dealing with a large organization, with managing the finances of a large organization. I can bring that to city council, something that’s lacking. I’ve been very involved in the community. I’ve been active in the community. As chairman of Priority Automotive Charities, we’ve raised over $5 million dollars for local children’s charities here in Virginia. I feel that I’m a good position at this stage in my life to give back to the community.

Running the city is a business, and we have to keep that in mind. I bring business acumen and experience I don’t believe the others have.

Phil Hines

Why did you decide to run for Virginia Beach City Council?

I’m very invested in the community, and my message has been very simple since I started campaigning back in January, to advance our city forward. I’m really concerned about us becoming the next Oakland or Sacramento. We’re not headed down the best path, but we have a lot of opportunity. I’m running to make a difference.

Why do you think you’re the best candidate for this seat?

I’m a regular middle class guy in a middle class neighborhood. [Chris Taylor] plugged me in to local government. He appointed me to the Parks and Rec Commission and things really trickled on from there. I think this job really comes down to intentions. People can talk about wanting to make a difference, but ultimately I think actions speak louder than words.

I’m the only candidate that’s running to actually save people money on their taxes. I’ve already been serving and getting involved in the community. I don’t think you need to be a rocket scientist to do this job. I think you have to a have a good understanding of how local government works, I think you have to have the right intentions, and I think you have to have a vision.

Leland Jones

Why did you decide to run for Virginia Beach City Council?

Being a business owner here in Virginia Beach, I noticed our city has a spending problem. We’re all taxed on everything. I want to instill fiscal responsibility, get our spending under control, get our tax situation under control, to make Virginia Beach a more affordable place to live and a more friendly place for our business owners. If we can do that, we can offer true tax relief instead of buying the next shiny new toy.

Why do you think you’re the best candidate for this seat?

I’m a business owner so I can look at our city budget. One approach is bringing that small business aspect. On the family side, I’m growing three little kids here in Virginia Beach, and I think our schools need to be renovated and modernized. There’s a lot of things I can bring looking at it from that angle. I’m a taxpaying citizen, I own a home here, I have two cars. I’m a man of the people and understand we need to instill true financial and fiscal responsibility.

Instill people onto our council that don’t pertain to any of the special interests. [I’m] really just a person of the people, someone who has the business acumen and is here to listen. I have nothing to do but serve our people, just as I serve our clients.

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