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Virginia Beach Gold Star spouse attends State of the Union speech

Kristen Fenty of Virginia Beach has advocated for changes in federal laws that place onerous burdens on Gold Star survivors.

WASHINGTON — More than 6,700 U.S. service members have died in Iraq and Afghanistan. That's at least 6,700 new Gold Star families since 9/11.

On May 5, 2006, Kristen Fenty's husband, Lt. Col. Joe Fenty was killed in action in Afghanistan. Kristen has since become a leader in fighting bureaucratic and taxation challenges facing Gold Star families, including getting rid of the onerous widow's tax.

"It is a great frustration," she said. " In fact, I think a lot of people are stuck in their grief, or, stuck in their advocacy, rather than having the ability to move on with their lives."

Kristen traveled from Virginia Beach to Washington on Tuesday, to attend the State of the Union address as the guest of 2nd District Congresswoman Elaine Luria.

Luria introduced the Gold Star Family Tax Relief Act to reclassify survivor benefits as earned income, reducing the tax burden.

RELATED: Virginia Congresswoman urges Sen. McConnell to hold vote on bill to help Gold Star families

"These are the kinds of stories that we really take to heart, when we hear things like this from constituents that are having issues with federal agencies," she said. "I mean, that is what we're here to do, is to make decisions and laws for people that make sense."

Other issues going forward for Gold Star families include freeing up surviving children's educational benefits, and, removing regulations that take away a surviving spouse's benefits if he or she should re-marry before the age of 55.

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