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Virginia 1st District House race features incumbent Republican Wittman vs. Democrat challenger Mehta

"Sabato's Crystal Ball" rates the 1st district as "Leans Republican," but both candidates like their chances.

GLOUCESTER, Va. — In Virginia's First Congressional District, voters will pick between Republican incumbent Rob Wittman, who has held that seat since 2007, and the challenger, Democrat Leslie Mehta, who has been a litigator, a civil rights attorney and Legal Director of the ACLU of Virginia.

For Wittman — who serves as Vice Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee — his primary focus is upon the military and protecting Virginia's national defense interests.

"Virginia is ground zero for much of our military. I want to make sure we continue to support that. Being in a leadership position there on the House Armed Services Committee allows me to do a lot of things. Eventually competing to become chairman would allow me to do even more," he said.

Mehta, who is focused on protecting reproductive and First Amendment protections, first got interested in politics for a more personal reason — following the death of her five-year-old daughter Brooke. 

"For me it wasn't about a D or an R, it was how can I work to help get things done for my daughter? And so that expanded to helping others with similar problems, particularly Medicaid bureaucracy. After my daughter passed away from Rett Syndrome in 2021, I said this is a way for me to continue public service and try to make things better for the First District," she said.

Mehta and Wittman are competing in a newly red-drawn First District, which now includes Chesterfield and Henrico Counties.

Both candidates like their chances.

"I think this is an exciting time to have new leadership in the district. We've been talking to people who have never voted before who are incredibly excited, young people who are coming in in droves to be able to help. This is a moment in time that we can do this, and it's exciting to be a part of it," said Mehta.

"Well, listen. I enjoy representing the great folks in the First District. It's a fantastic district. We've worked really hard to get some important things done. I think there's still things left to be done. I want to make sure we're lowering the costs for working families, making sure we are securing our border, fixing the chaos at the border, making sure we're protecting families in their communities. Those things are important to me," said Wittman.

Last election — in 2022 — Wittman won the First District by 13 percentage points over Democrat Herb Jones.

This time, Sabato's Crystal Ball rates the seat as "Leans Republican."

According to The Virginia Public Access Project, Former President Donald Trump beat Joe Biden in the First District in 2020 by a margin of 51% to 47%.

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