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Hampton mother speaks out after sibling accidentally shoots 1-year-old sister

Since the incident, Tyler and her kids have not been comfortable returning to their home in Hampton and staying at a hotel in Newport News.

HAMPTON, Va. — A Hampton mother says months after one of her children shot another sibling her life has been hectic, but she says her baby girl is doing well. 

"Physically, she is really good. My PTSD is crazy. My nerves [are] a little rattled now, so I'm very, very, very protective over her now," said mother Kanesha Tyler. 

However, she says her 1-year-old daughter, Symphony, has slightly changed. 

"PTSD is real. We had a strobe light on, and she freaked out. I don't know if she remembers seeing the sirens or what," said Tyler. 

On May 28, 2024, police responded to Tyler's home in Hampton along the 100 block of Clyde Street after she said her 3-year-old mildly autistic son shot and injured her daughter. 

Tyler says it happened on the second floor of her home. Police later arrested her 14-year-old son and charged him with one count of possession of a firearm by a juvenile and one count of allowing access to a firearm by a juvenile. Tyler says she did not know her son bought a gun into the home. 

"I didn't know that he had a gun, and I don't even think that was his gun. I don't know how he could have accessed the gun," said Tyler. 

Since the incident, Tyler and her kids have not been comfortable returning to their home in Hampton, so they have been staying at a hotel in Newport News. 

"As soon as Noah pulled into the driveway, my mom said that he said, 'Oh no, not this house, mommy, this is the bad house; I'm not staying here. I'm not going in there.'"

Tyler says she wants a new start for her and her family. 

"I just want a house for my kids, that it and to start over, fresh start."

Tyler is currently in therapy. She hopes to get her children into therapy soon. 

In the meantime, Tyler has set up a GoFundMe. She hopes to raise money to buy a new home and pay for her children's care. 

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