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New initiative hopes to transform HRBT into next 'great American bridge'

Some early ideas of the Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel Regional Landmark Initiative include adding lights spanning the length of the bridge.

HAMPTON, Va. — There's a new push to spruce up the Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel inspired by cities like New York, San Francisco, and London. 

“They all have these remarkable landmark bridges that let you know you are in a place, and we’d like to create a landmark out of the most important landmark for our region," said Aazia Mrozinksi. 

The Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel Regional Landmark Initiative is a collaboration of community stakeholders to use art and architecture to beautify the structure and make it a symbol of regional pride. Mrozinski, one of the project leaders, said the idea is in the early stages, but options include adding lights that span the length of the bridge and building a gateway into the bridge. 

“But really, the possibilities are endless for what we can design for this," she said. 

Right now, the group is working with regional leaders and reaching out to artists in Hampton Roads and beyond to get more ideas. 

“I think that it is really important to get as many voices involved in what this looks like and what this landmark is for the region. It does represent all of our aspirations, who we are, and what we want to say to the world," said Mrozinski. 

On Thursday, the group will brief members of the Hampton Roads Transportation Planning Organization about the concept, including how they plan to not burden taxpayers and commuters. 

"We believe we can execute the design, this really beautiful and monumental design, through private funding and without any impact on the timeline for the ongoing HRBT expansion," she said. 

RELATED: 1st half of new Mallory Street Bridge opens to traffic as part of HRBT expansion

Mrozinksi believes the project could also create jobs and spark tourism, and she hopes people keep an open mind. 

"And think really big about what we can become as a region, the message that we want to share to the world, and how the HRBT being this great engineering marvel can also be a beacon for our regional identity," she said. 

If you want to learn more about the project, sign up for updates here

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