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Weather Works: Why do your ears pop on a flight?

In your ears, air is trapped in the canal. As the pressure drops, the lower pressure entering your ear interacts with the higher pressure inside your body.. and this

NORFOLK, Va. — As we enter the last few weeks of summer, some people are trying to squeeze in their last summer vacations.

Whether you're a rookie or a frequent flyer,  your ears have probably popped on a flight as the plane climbed in altitude. That's all due to changing pressure as you fly through the sky!

As you go up higher and higher, the air pressure goes down. This means that the highest air pressure we'll ever experience is on the ground.

In your ears, air is trapped in the canal. As the pressure drops, the lower pressure entering your ear interacts with the higher pressure inside your body.. and this collision happens right at your eardrum.

This causes your eardrum to expand outward. That’s when you feel the discomfort.

When you descend on a flight, the opposite happens. The pressure in your body is lower than the outside pressure entering your body when you get closer to the ground. So, your eardrum pushes inward when you begin to land.

The “pop” sound happens when the pressure in your ears finally equalizes. Then, the irritation begins to subside.

Some people may even experience temporary hearing loss on the ascent. According to the Children's Museum of Indianapolis, sound is more difficult to transmit when that pressure is applied to your eardrums.

To avoid your ears popping or hearing loss on your next flight,  yawn continuously during takeoff or chew gum!

These practices help move that trapped air in your ear throughout your body.

That's how your weather works!

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