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Mascot Monday: Norfolk Collegiate Mighty Oaks

Mascot Monday: Norfolk Collegiate Mighty Oaks
mascot monday

NORFOLK, Va. (WVEC) – "Norfolk Collegiate was founded in 1948 as Carolton Oaks. The first mascot was actually a donkey. Even though the donkey was not great in size, with the superb athletic ability of the children at Carolton Oaks, it was not the size that mattered, but the skill. The donkey was produced to coincide with the creation of the first varsity basketball team in 1960-61," said Athletic Director, John Hall. "Several years later, it was changed to the Mighty Oaks, which has been used since. The oak tree was chosen to represent Carolton Oaks not only because of their physical presence around the residence that was first used as Carolton Oaks, but also for the representation of knowledge as a tree."

Norfolk Collegiate's mascot has changed over the years. Two years ago the school rebranded and although still call themselves the "Mighty Oaks" their mascot is "Capt. Collegiate."

"The school's mascot has undergone several changes throughout its lifespan. The original donkey mascot had a squirrel on its back holding an acorn and was standing on an oak leaf. It then went through several versions where it was an oak leaf, followed by an oak leaf with an acorn. The current mascot, Capt. Collegiate, is similar to a caped superhero. A new Capt. Collegiate will be unveiled later in the month. He will be the same superhero, with a more modern spin," said Hall.

What does it mean to be a Mighty Oak as a student athlete? "Norfolk Collegiate student-athletes are strong individuals with character and longevity, just as a Mighty Oak is strong and long-lasting," said Hall.

If you want to know how your schools mascot was named. Tweet us @13HSSports so your school can be featured in our next Mascot Monday.

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