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Michael Vick speaks to the Warwick Raiders ahead of Saturday's state semifinal

The Warwick, Hokie and NFL legend zoomed into his old library to talk to this historic Raider team

NEWPORT NEWS, Va. — In the minutes preceding his digital arrival, the scene at Warwick High School's second floor library was exactly as you'd expect. Players shuffled in as the low murmur of teenage chatter filled the room. Position groups gravitated towards each other, Raider gear abound. 

Soon, however, Michael Vick popped up on the projector at the front of the room. His presence loomed far larger than the screen. A focused silence fell over the room, one the team's coaches likely envied, if they hadn't been so focused on the screen themselves. 

Vick held court over the next half hour and change. He touched on the upcoming state semifinal and the team's stellar season, calling different players to stand and engaging with them directly. Vick talked about his time at Virginia Tech, running through the list of ACC teams he would have beaten had he been a Hokie after they switched to the coastal conference. 

Vick also talked about his time at Warwick. When he talked about his high school career, however, there was little mention of on field prowess. Instead, Vick repeatedly referenced the classroom. He lamented his own lack of focus on his education during his junior year. He said he's be a better student than football player if he were in high school today. Student athlete and role model were mentioned far more often that state champion. 

Mike Vick showed up on the zoom screen a Raiders football legend, instead he imparted lessons on life to the group of players hanging on his every word. They may well win the state championship, the team travels to play Dinwiddie Saturday. The may not. The lessons from Vick today will last well beyond that result. 

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