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School fights as entertainment? Many students say yes

It's a disturbing trend -- school fights caught on students' cell phone videos and posted online for the world to see.
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NORFOLK-The school bell rings. A fight breaks out. Quick, drop your backpack, break out the cell phone! These days, it's lights, camera, and action that may make parents cringe.

Fights at school are nothing new, but the sheer volume of them recorded by students on cell phones and posted online for the world to see may blow your mind.

'People fight everyday,' one Norfolk student said.

'At some schools, there are always fights and stuff,' another said. 'People want to see the fights and stuff ... (on social media), anything like that.'

Students even told us there are websites that pay hundreds of dollars for uploaded school fight videos.

'Some people are fascinated by that,' said another student.

Police are fascinated by it, too. Many departments work with school divisions on a variety of problems involving violence on school grounds. Some departments are turning more and more to social media.

'If we come across information like this. we'll go to them or if they find it, they'll bring it to us,' said Officer Chris Amos with the Norfolk Police Dept. 'It's certainly a tremendous weapon for us in the sense that you see what you see and you're able to identify things and people and places.'

Many school districts in Hampton Roads have tighter policies governing cell phone usage by students on school grounds during school hours. In some cases, students can only turn on cell phones for instructional or educational purposes and only if approved by a teacher or administrator. Break the rule and you face disciplinary action and could be suspended.

Regardless, it's clear when the action happens, students are rolling.

CHKD Parenting expert Sam Fabian believes teens shoot these videos or sometimes star in them for a sense of belonging.

'That's one thing they've learned,' said Fabian. 'Wow, I can get this attention. I can get people to buy into my posts. It's significance and belonging.'

'It's a power trip,' she added.

Amos warns what may seem entertaining in the moment could cost students down the road because there is no delete button. Once the videos are posted online, they are there forever for anyone to see.

'Let the schools get a hold of this,' said Amos. 'Get suspended for a school year. You want to wreck your life for life?You'll spend literally years trying to undo some of the damage done in ten, fifteen seconds.'

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