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Meet the candidates for VA District 2, encompassing Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Suffolk and the Eastern Shore

With less than two weeks until election day for Virginia's June primary races, meet U.S. Navy veteran Missy Cotter Smasal and constitutional lawyer Jake Denton.

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — On June 18, Virginia voters across the sprawling 2nd Congressional District — encompassing the cities of Virginia Beach and portions of Chesapeake, Suffolk and the Eastern Shore — will head to the voting booths to select the Democratic nominee to face off against Rep. Jen Kiggans (R) this November.

Here are the candidates vying to challenge Kiggans.

Missy Cotter Smasal- Veteran and former small business owner

Why are you running for Congress?

"I had a small business here for over 10 years, I came here as a Surface Warfare officer from the U.S. Navy. Really proud to serve during the global war on terrorism, and I've been running a non-profit in Virginia Beach for the last few years. We honor women who serve in the military, I’m also an adjunct at Old Dominion University and I’m a citizen representative for the Chesapeake Bay Commission. I think that experience is really reflective of the district."

Your website lists you as a red-to-blue candidate, what does that mean?

"One of 20 candidates across the country who have been named to the "Red to Blue list, which is the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee way of saying these are the candidates who have put together an operation to win.”

"I think we’ve seen too much chaos in Washington DC, we’ve seen a failure to really lead in Congress and that’s because of people like Jen Kiggans supporting a MAGA agenda."

We’re now seeing several candidates who share a similar background of serving in the U.S Navy with former Congresswoman Elaine Luria and now Rep. Kiggans. Is this a blueprint for Coastal Virginia? Do you think that presents a challenge in differentiating yourself or is it a benefit? 

"I do think it’s important to have a shared history with the people in your community and district. There are more than 60,000 veterans in this district. My husband was also an army veteran, so we believe in that service to country and community.

If you won the primary and then faced Rep. Kiggans in the November General Elections, is there a topic or policy you most disagree with her on?

“Reproductive rights is one of the main things I'm hearing across the district. I want to make sure we’re standing fast for bodily autonomy and women’s rights. Defending democracy, people feel an urgent need to protect our democracy this year to make sure votes count and voting rights are protected.”

We’ve seen both Republican and Democratic candidates have success in this district, do you think that’s a challenge or advantage?

"That’s the beauty of coastal Virginia, this independent streak we have. We want serious pragmatic, practical leadership, and it goes back and forth often because they don’t want to see extremes on either side.”

You can read more about their individual stances here.

RELATED: Who in Virginia is running for Congress? Here are the 2024 candidates.

Jake Denton- Constitutional and anti-defamation attorney

Why are you running for Congress? 

"Why I’m running for congress right now, extremists are attacking the constitution and attacking our rights. You see the courts taking away rights in Roe vs. Wade or Shelby County vs. Holder, that’s in Alabama where they gutted the voting rights act. And you see what’s going on with our former president, the day I decided to enter the race was the day I realized the  Supreme Court would grant Trump’s appeal that he’s above the law.

For several election cycles, this seat has been held by a U.S. Navy veteran. Having not served yourself, do you see that as a strategic challenge? 

 “I respect their service. I'm here because both my grandfathers were Navy fighter pilots, it's why I grew up here and I respect their service but I think it's good to give people a choice. Elaine Luria served in the Navy, Jen Kiggans served in the Navy, Missy [Cotter Smasal] served in the Navy, I respect that. But Scott Riggel was not in the navy, neither was Glenn Nye, or Owen Pickett who really is my role model and he held this district for several terms in a row.

We’ve seen both Republican and Democratic candidates have success in this district, do you think that’s a challenge or advantage?

"I think it’s an interesting district because we’re lucky that it has not been polarized like the other districts throughout the country. Gerrymandering has polarized districts where candidates have to run hard right or hard left, and we’re lucky we have a moderate district. That the people are willing to come together, and I don't think they appreciate extremism and Kiggans has endorsed Trump, that’s not what the district wants.”

What are particular policy stances you distance yourself most from Rep. Kiggans?

“The main ideology is this Trump-ism, backing Trump. Whether Republican or Democratic policies, I respect some of her positions but endorsing Trump means she has to go.”

You can read more about their individual stances here.

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