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Should Virginia Beach keep the 10-1 voting system? Residents weigh in.

City leaders are holding a series of meetings before deciding whether to stay with the 10-1 system or choose an alternative system ahead of the 2024 election cycle.

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — Voting in Virginia Beach could soon change again.  

City leaders are holding a series of meetings before deciding whether to stay with the current 10-1 system or choose an alternative system ahead of the 2024 election cycle.

Virginia Beach historically used an at-large system, meaning residents could vote for every candidate city-wide. But this November, it changed to a 10-1 system, where residents can only vote for the candidates in their district.

Saturday marked the first of these input meetings, and people packed the Bayside Recreation Center to have their voices heard. 

Out of the dozens of people that came forward to speak, only one person said they were against the 10-1 system. 

“Why is it that I can’t vote for a panel of representation that would think according to the whole city, not just a pocket of the city?" one speaker said.

That speaker said the 10-1 system made voting too narrow in last November’s elections. 

While resident after resident got up to speak at the mic, most shared the same stance: they want the current format to stay. 

“I am in favor of the 10-1 system because I think it is the fairest way to govern a large and diverse city. And we are that," one speaker said.

“I agree with the previous speakers. The 10-1 gives us the best representation for people in this city,” another speaker echoed.

The old, at-large format was at the center of a federal court battle after two people sued the city in 2017, alleging the then-voting system disadvantaged minorities. 

Something several speakers agreed with. 

“The 10-district system more accurately represents the needs and interests of every Virginia Beach resident, not diluting minority votes,” one woman said at the mic.   

If you missed Saturday's input session, there are several other opportunities to make your voice heard.  

The city is hosting roughly a dozen more input meetings in the coming weeks. If you can't make the meetings, you also have the opportunity to participate by phone. You can find the meeting schedule by clicking here.

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