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Medical volunteers with VDH will deploy to polling sites to encourage COVID-19 safety measures

More than 900 Medical Reserve Corps volunteers across the Commonwealth will assist at more than 1,000 polling locations on Election Day.

VIRGINIA, USA — It’s an election year unlike those we’ve seen in the past.

During this presidential election, voters will head to the polls during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

The Virginia Department of Health has put together teams of volunteers with the Virginia Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) to help out at the polls on Election Day. Their role will be to keep people safe from the virus as they vote in person.

Jennifer Freeland is the state volunteer coordinator leading the effort.

“We really will be there to encourage mask wearing and maintaining a social distance of six feet,” said Freeland.

While the goal is to encourage voters to wear masks, Freeland said MRC volunteers don’t have the right to turn people away for not wearing them. The effort to coordinate volunteers has been underway since the spring.

The governor's office activated the Virginia MRS to ensure voters will have the chance to vote safely during the ongoing health crisis.

Across the Commonwealth, volunteers with the Medical Reserve Corps will be stationed in 50 localities. Nearly 900 volunteers will be at more than 1,000 polling sites, making sure COVID-19 measures are in place and enforced.

“Masks work. If we can get people to wear masks, then we know we can reduce transmission of COVID-19," Freeland explained. "We want the kids to go back to school, we want a better normal, so we know if we keep those numbers down we can continue to make progress and continue to reopen."

Election Day is about making your voices heard, but Freeland said this time around, it’s also about keeping the people around you safe.

You can learn more about volunteering with VMRC here.

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