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Dr. Jill Biden rallies president's supporters, thanks military families in Virginia Beach

The first lady greeted Virginia volunteers and supporters and gave a brief stump speech, which she started by thanking military families.

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — First Lady Dr. Jill Biden walked into a standing ovation at Virginia Beach's Democratic Coordinated Campaign Office for a campaign event Thursday afternoon.

Her visit came as her husband, Democratic President Joe Biden, is set to debate his Republican challenger Donald Trump Thursday evening. The first lady greeted Virginia volunteers and supporters and gave a brief stump speech, which she started by thanking military families.

RELATED: Updates: First lady Jill Biden in Virginia Beach for campaign stop Thursday

"I just have to thank you for your support and when you talk about the military community, you know the Bidens are a military family," the first lady told the crowd.

The first lady then made several pointed comments about Trump.

She specifically mentioned that the former president wants to become a "dictator on day one," and brought up past statements Trump allegedly made during his presidency.

"When I hear Trump call members of our military 'losers' and 'suckers' - how dare he? how dare he?" questioned Biden.

Trump has repeatedly denied calling fallen service members such names.

However, Biden's supporters at the rally told 13News Now they do not want the former president back in office.

"We need Joe to take care of our kids because the other side is not going to do it," said Malia Huddle.

"I'm just excited for this election, I wish we could have it tomorrow, and get Joe back in office," said Laurice Ryan.

Dr. Biden ended her time in Virginia Beach with a warning, that it is more than just the presidency at stake, it is also the Supreme Court.

"The next president will probably be able to put two people on the Supreme Court - we've gotta fight hard. It really comes down to who has the wisdom, and who has the experience, to really lead this country in the right direction," Biden said.

Trump voters voice their support for former president outside 

While supporters greeted First Lady Jill Biden inside, about two dozen Former President Donald Trump voters lined the sidewalk.

"We’re all Gen Z, we’re supporting Donald Trump," Palmer Canada told 13News Now.

Canada continued: "We’ve seen the polls, they’re neck and neck. Donald Trump can win Virginia."

Many of them say the economy is top of mind when they cast their vote.

"Number one, it’s my pocketbook. When Donald Trump is in office, I have more money in my pocketbook," Cole Trower said.

Bryan Gravely, a military veteran, echoed that sentiment.

"I would rather have $2 gas, be able to afford groceries and a couple of mean tweets than the financial burdens that American families are having right now," he said.

Supporters like Kari Carter and Jennifer Belgrade say even if you don’t like the man himself, they support his policies.

"Because he tells the truth, like they said even if you don’t like him, his policies you like because he does what the people want and he speaks for the people," Belgrade said.

"I don't really like his personality, but he made things happen. He wasn't even a politician and he got us prosperous in just four years," Carter said.

Virginia Republican officials criticize Biden's visit

In response to Jill Biden's visit, Republican State Sen. Danny Diggs said, "Every American is worse off under how Bidens failed economic policies. Higher gas prices and rampant inflation are taking America down the wrong track."

Republican Attorney General Jason Miyares said: "Virginia is not a red state or a blue state; it's a commonsense state. Four more years of President Biden is not in the best interest of the Commonwealth or our country. Virginia is clearly in play this November."

Republican State Sen. Emily Jordan wrote: "Inflation has been catastrophic for so many of our friends and neighbors here locally and across the country. Forced mandates like mandatory shuttering of schools have cost our children in long term learning loss and the forcing of electric vehicle mandates on us all are going to reach further into our pockets that Joe Biden has already emptied with his policies. Bottom line, the last four years of Joe Biden’s administration have harmed the American family, from the crisis of fentanyl and criminals pouring across our southern border to the basic cost of putting food on the table."


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