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Democrats outraise Republican opponents in Virginia

New campaign finance reports show Virginia Democrats in key congressional races have outraised their Republicans opponents.

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) - New campaign finance reports show Virginia Democrats in key congressional races have outraised their Republicans opponents.

Reports filed late Monday show Sen. Tim Kaine and Democratic candidates in key U.S. House races each raised more than their opponents in the third quarter.

Kaine raised $2.4 million compared to Republican Corey Stewart's $1 million. Overall, Kaine has raised $20 million for his re-election bid, while Stewart has raised about $2 million.

Democrats are hopeful they can win four U.S. House seats currently held by Republicans. In each of those districts, Democrats raised more money last quarter than their Republican opponents.

In some cases, quite a lot more. Democrat Abigail Spanberger raised $3.6 million compared to Republican Rep. Dave Brat's $1 million in a Richmond-area House contest.

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