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Veterans Affairs Department pledges progress on benefits claims numbers, faces new questions about racial disparities in disability decisions

A new report from the Government Accountability Office finds that white veterans receive approvals on claims at a 14% higher rate than Black veterans.

WASHINGTON — Progress is being made in catching up on compensation and benefits exams for vets. But the Department of Veterans Affairs Department says there's still a long way to go.

The Government Accountability Office reports that as of June 30, approximately 303,000 veterans' compensation and benefits exam requests were pending.

"I hear countless stories, actually, of veterans who've had abysmal experiences trying to schedule an examination with VA contractors," said Rep. Chris Pappas (D-New Hampshire).

 The House Veterans Affairs Subcommittees on Disability Assistance and Technology Modernization got an update Thursday on how it's going.

"I feel confident that where we are today and with our planned expansion, that we'll be able to maintain a healthy inventory and be able to provide exams so that veterans can get access to their benefits and health care," said Jeff London, VA Executive Director.

In a separate report also published this week, the GAO found that for initial disability claims from 2010 through 2020,, Black veterans were approved at 61% compared to 75% for white veterans.

VA Secretary Denis McDonough said he and his department take the findings "seriously." 

"There is no place for any disparities at VA. We'll stop at nothing to make sure that we're providing all veterans including Black veterans with the world class care and benefits they deserve," he said. "And I commit to our veterans who are watching that we will actively get to the bottom of any disparities that exist at VA and we will eliminate them."

The GAO recommended that the VA conduct a comprehensive assessment to identify the root causes that could contribute to racial and ethnic disparities in how claims are handled.

The VA agreed with the recommendation.

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