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Navy will meet recruiting goal for Fiscal Year 2024, while exceeding retention goal

Last year, the Navy missed recruitment goals by more than 7,400 sailors. Those gaps are hurting the Navy's ability to fully staff its warships. But there is hope.

NORFOLK, Va. — The Navy will meet its goal to sign up 40,600 recruits by the end of September.

Last year, the Navy missed its recruitment goals by more than 7,400 sailors. And those gaps are hurting the Navy's ability to fully staff its warships.

A May Government Accountability Office report found that Navy ships are heading out to sea with just 84% of the enlisted sailors that they're supposed to have.

But there is hope.

Retention is at near record high levels. In fact, for sailors at zero to six years of service, the Navy is currently at 117% of its retention goal.

Which brings us to Thursday's ceremony aboard the Battleship Wisconsin. Naval Air Station Oceana sailor Air Traffic Controller First Class Jessica Cassidy decided after ten years in the Navy, she wanted to stick around. Only now, she will be an officer.

Following her commissioning ceremony, Cassidy is now an Ensign. She urges young people to join the Navy and once they get in, to stay in.

"I say, 'stay Navy.' I'm kind of biased. This is the only job I've ever had. But it's just worked out so incredibly well, I can't imagine my life in any other direction," she said.

Oceana Commanding Officer Captain Josh Appezzato added: "She's going to do great things. It's a huge victory for her. And a huge victory for the Navy at large."

The Navy's top leader is pleased with the retention numbers.

The Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Lisa Franchetti said in April: "To me, that's a signal that people are really committed to our mission.

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