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Despite growing list of problems for F-35, Navy moves ahead incorporating jet into carrier operations

Carrier USS George Washington completed "cyclical" operations with Joint Strike Fighter.

NORFOLK, Va. — Even as new problems with software upgrades have hampered delivery of the military's F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, as outlined during a hearing on Capitol Hill this week, the Navy is pressing ahead to incorporate the aircraft into the carrier fleet.

This week, USS George Washington conducted what are called "cyclic operations" to simulate future operational missions. 

The Navy said the milestone marked the first time that an aircraft carrier operating in the Atlantic Ocean completed this kind of training with the F-35-C Lightning II.

Over three days, the GW crew flew a total of 141 sorties with the F-35, completing 67-day traps, and 17-night traps.

The GW's Commanding Officer, Captain Brent C. Gaut said he is "exceptionally proud of the crew for making history."

He added: "Together, our GW team and family continue to highlight the U.S. Navy’s profound operational capabilities, while also strengthening and empowering the future of naval aviation.”

A September report from the Government Accountability Office said the Defense Department, Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps need to reassess their sustainment strategy for the F-35 to improve aircraft readiness.

That report found that the plane's mission-capable rate — the percentage of time the jet can perform one of its tasked missions — was about 55% in March.

That is far below the program's goal of 85%.

This week, the Lockheed Martin Corporation jet was under fire for a $1.6 billion cockpit electronics upgrade that has halted new aircraft deliveries.

House Armed Services Tactical Air and Land Forces Subcommittee Chairman Rep. Rob Wittman (R-Virginia, 1st District) said during a hearing that week that lawmakers' patience is "wearing thin."

He added: "My friends, the F-35 is a technological marvel, but delays in fielding required capabilities is disturbing."

Overall, the F-35 is 10 years behind schedule and 80% over budget.

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