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Work continues to wrap up defense bill and deal with ongoing hold on military promotions

All four House and Senate Armed Services Committee leaders vowed this week that the "must-pass" $886 billion measure will be enacted.

WASHINGTON D.C., DC — The U.S. Senate will consider "supplemental" funding including aid for Israel and Ukraine as soon as next week.

Meanwhile, work continues behind the scenes on the defense bill, which has passed on time for 62 years in a row.

All four House and Senate Armed Services Committee leaders vowed this week that the "must-pass" $886 billion measure will be enacted.

One item yet to be resolved is Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville's continuing "hold" on hundreds of senior officers' promotions. Senator Tim Kaine (D-Va.) said on Thursday he's hopeful the dispute will be resolved, one way or another.

"Everybody's going to want to go home for the holidays. But, I'm going to say we're not going home until we get this done," Kaine said. "And that will start putting some significant pressure on Senator Tuberville to change his behavior."

The defense bill includes pay raises for troops and shipbuilding funds for Ford-class aircraft carriers and Virginia and Columbia-class submarines.

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