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Border crossing checklist: Tips for road trips to Canada and Mexico

Imagine the scene: International travelers approach U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers at an American airport. They refuse to provide ID or access to their bags. One continues speaking on the phone while the officer inquires about her travels. Another refuses to remove his baseball cap and sunglasses when asked for a positive match with his passport photo.

Imagine the scene: International travelers approach U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers at an American airport. They refuse to provide ID or access to their bags. One continues speaking on the phone while the officer inquires about her travels. Another refuses to remove his baseball cap and sunglasses when asked for a positive match with his passport photo. All the while, they continue talking to other members of their party, don’t remove earphones and even munch on mangoes while swearing categorically they haven’t brought any fresh fruit with them.

Hard to believe? At U.S. airports, perhaps. But daily, at dozens of border crossings connecting the United States with Canada and Mexico, these very same CBP officers encounter all this and more. Apparently the same uniforms, badges and firearms have little effect on large numbers of Americans who aren’t criminals or suspected terrorists, but simply rude and antsy road warriors. Psychologically many tourists may view a border crossing as akin to a toll plaza, but their carelessness makes long lines longer.

Over the last few years I’ve crossed both the northern and southern borders by car and bus, as well as on foot, and I can testify to the long lines. There’s plenty of room for improvement at the Department of Homeland Security, but many travelers could help reduce those wait times as well.

Busy roads = busier crossings

In May, AAA reported 55% of Americans are more likely to take a road trip this year, citing gas prices at an 11-year low. AAA stated: “The great American road trip is officially back.” And many of those journeys, of course, extend into Canada and Mexico.

While much has been written here about interminable lines for TSA screening at the nation’s airports, the lines at the borders can take not minutes but HOURS to clear. In some cases, unfortunately, it’s due to travelers themselves who are ill-prepared on what to expect.

For the record, the CBP has the legal authority to search you, your vehicle and your belongings when you enter or re-enter the United States. If you’re new to this process, you may want to download the CBP’s What to Expect When You Return.

Obtaining documentation

Americans once traveled more freely across our two neighboring borders, but we’ve seen that routine restricted in recent years. If you’re planning any foreign travel soon and don’t have a valid passport, you should know the U.S. State Department advises “routine service” applications take six weeks and “expedited service” apps take three weeks (exceptions apply).

If you’re uncertain of your status, the State Department’s travel page provides country-specific information on passports, documentation and other information, including for Canada and Mexico.

The good news for those not interested in traveling far beyond American borders is that the State Department offers a U.S. “Passport Card” in lieu of a Passport Book. The card is much cheaper — $55 versus $135 for first-time adults, $30 versus $110 for adult renewals. But there are two key restrictions: The card is valid only for entry from Canada, Mexico, Bermuda and the Caribbean; and it is not valid for entry by air.

The rules differ for frequent crossers who have family or work obligations over the borders, as well as those who maintain second homes, seasonal residences or dual citizenship. The CBP offers detailed instructions for all travelers — Americans as well as citizens of other countries — when entering the United States by land, sea and air at its site.

Knowing before going

Approaching the border is not the time to research the many issues you could familiarize yourself with in advance. Here’s a rundown of several key topics you may need to research. But please note — the emphasis here is on U.S. rules, so don’t ignore Canadian and/or Mexican regulations as well.

• Expediting. Understand a few things in advance. You’re going to be asked for ID — why not have it ready? You’re going to be asked if you’re carrying any number of dozens of forbidden items — do you really want to choose now to ask why you’re being asked while others are lined up behind you? You’re going to be asked any number of questions about your travels. Ultimately, CBP officers can further detain you for a more thorough check.

• Carrying verboten items. This is critical, because if all travelers were aware of what they’re not allowed to carry across borders, there wouldn’t be so much confiscation occurring daily. Sure, the inventory of Prohibited and Restricted Items upon re-entering the United States includes no-brainers such as firearms and drug paraphernalia. But this lengthy list also includes certain pets, absinthe, gold, game and hunting trophies, military items, Cuban-made products and much, much more.

And take special note of the following:

• Food and agricultural products. The list of no-go items the CBP or U.S. Department of Agriculture can seize is quite extensive, including meats, fruits, vegetables, plants, seeds, soil, etc. If in doubt, check CBP’s site in advance.

• Meds. As the CBP states: “Rule of thumb: When you go abroad, take the medicines you will need, no more, no less.” In fact, the government agency goes even further: “Virtually all foreign made medications are prohibited from being brought into the United States.” Additional info is available online

• Alcohol. These regulations can get messy, because in addition to federal law, you also must comply with state law at your point of U.S. entry. If you haven’t researched this, you may see your booze confiscated. Restrictions also apply for entry into Canada and Mexico.

• Gifts and shopping. There are extensive rules for purchases made in Canada or Mexico, including duty-free items.

• Trusting drivers, not just fliers. Many Americans don’t realize there are Trusted Traveler programs designed specifically for crossing the two land borders:

  • Southern border. The CBP operates the Secure Electronic Network for Travelers Rapid Inspection (SENTRI); members use “dedicated processing lanes” at Mexican crossings. Upon conditional approval, applicants must schedule an interview at a SENTRI Enrollment Center in Arizona, California or Texas. The total fee is $122.25 per person.
  • Northern border. For crossings from Canada, CBP offers expedited processing through NEXUS, for a non-refundable fee of $50. Interviews are required as well.

• Monitoring wait times. The CBP provides detailed Advisories and Wait Times for all Canadian and Mexican border crossings, and for pedestrians as well as passenger vehicles. Delays vary by time of day, so flexibility is critical. Wait times also can be accessed via mobile and RSS feed

• Driving over. The U.S. Bureau of Consular Affairs provides details for U.S. citizens driving outside our borders, including inside Canada and Mexico. The most important issue is car insurance, since your current policy may not provide coverage outside the U.S. You should learn more about insurance requirements in Canada and Mexico. And though it may seem obvious, it’s worth stating some road signs will be in French up north and Spanish down south, and speed limits and gasoline pumps (in Canada) will reflect the metric system.

• Crossing via rental car. This can get very tricky very quickly, so it’s not something you want to inquire about at the last minute. Policies vary from rental firm to rental firm, so it’s critical you confirm in advance if it’s okay to drive a rented vehicle outside the U.S. Complicating matters, there also may be policy differences between corporate and franchised locations of the same brand. For Canadian crossings, one key issue is obtaining a Canadian Non-Resident Insurance Card (which often is free), but some rental counters may not always stock. As for Mexico, Hertz in Los Angeles requires a Mexican Insurance Policy and charges a daily rate by vehicle. Avis in San Diego states only corporate account customers are allowed over the border “with certain restrictions.” Bottom line: These rules and regs can vary widely, so research such policies when booking, not at the rental counter.

• Further info. Start with CPB’s U.S. Travelers’ Top Ten Travel Tips; this includes avoiding prohibited merchandise such as ivory and tortoiseshell products and warnings about street vendors selling counterfeit goods. Or cut right to the Summer Travel Tips. On the off chance all your questions haven’t been answered, there’s the CBP’s U.S. Traveler’s Pocket Guide: Know Before You Go

Bill McGee, a contributing editor to Consumer Reports and the former editor of Consumer Reports Travel Letter, is an FAA-licensed aircraft dispatcher who worked in airline operations and management for several years. Tell him what you think of his latest column by sending him an email at travel@usatoday.com. Include your name, hometown and daytime phone number, and he may use your feedback in a future column.

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