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Virginia House of Delegates votes to ratify Equal Rights Amendment

The Virginia House of Delegates just voted to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment, giving women the same recognition as men. Now, the Senate has to vote on it.

RICHMOND, Va. — State lawmakers took a major step toward making Virginia the critical 38th state to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. 

The Democrat-controlled Virginia House voted to advance the gender equality measure in a floor vote Wednesday. 

Now, the measure is off to the Senate for a full floor vote. 

The votes will be a momentous symbolic victory for many women's rights advocates and a sign of how much once-solidly conservative Virginia has changed. 

The ERA must be ratified by 38 states in order to be eligible to become part of the Constitution and this resolution would make Virginia the 38th state.

But at the national level, many questions remain about the fate of the proposed amendment first introduced nearly a century ago. Court battles are expected to ensue due to a long-passed deadline set by Congress.

Virginia Senators Mark Warner and Tim Kaine released a joint statement about the historic vote:

“It’s about time for women’s equal rights to be explicitly declared in our Constitution and we’re thrilled that Virginia will be the last state necessary to move this effort towards the finish line. Ratifying the ERA not only honors the work of all those who dedicated their lives to fighting for women’s equality, but also enhances our legal ability to fight future instances of gender-based discrimination throughout the country. We applaud Senator McClellan, Senator Locke, and Delegate Carroll Foy for their work on this resolution, and commend every advocate and activist across Virginia who has been a part of this important movement.” 

Virginia's Attorney General Mark Herring also released a statement about the vote:

“Today is an absolutely historic day for our Commonwealth and a major milestone in the fight for equality in this nation. Women in America deserve to have equality guaranteed in the Constitution and Virginians should be proud that we will be the state that makes it happen.

As we continue to move swiftly toward ratification, I am preparing to take any steps necessary to ensure that Virginia is recognized as the 38th ratifying state, that the will of Virginians is carried out, and that the ERA is added to our Constitution, as it should be.”

Congressman A. Donald McEachin (VA04) issued this statement on Wednesday on the ERA passing the Virginia General Assembly:

“This is long overdue. Women waited over 150 years after this republic was founded for the right to vote and it has taken over 200 years to put women in the Constitution to grant them equal rights. Today is a critical step in that process and I congratulate my former colleagues at the Virginia General Assembly for reaching this milestone.

As a former member of the General Assembly, I know the years of work that have gone into this effort. I have seen the grassroots activists who have spent hours persuading reluctant legislators. And, for many years, my colleagues and I have advocated with other members to get this historic legislation passed.”

 Today was a long time coming and a big victory!”

 As a Congressman, I will be working hard to ensure that this milestone is not in vain and that the ERA finally becomes a reality – an amendment to our Constitution – and progress for American women.”

RELATED: Virginia House committee advances ERA

RELATED: Justice Department: Too late to pass Equal Rights Amendment

RELATED: Lawsuit seeks to ease adoption of Equal Rights Amendment

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