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Virginia House advances gun control measures

But the bills did not include a proposed assault weapon ban, a top priority for Gov. Ralph Northam and one that's drawn fierce resistance from gun-rights advocates.

RICHMOND, Va. — Democrats in the Virginia House are advancing a package of gun-control measures less than a week after tens of thousands of pro-gun advocates from around the country rallied at the state Capitol. 

But the bills did not include a proposed assault weapon ban, a top priority for Gov. Ralph Northam and one that's drawn fierce resistance from gun-rights advocates. 

A Democratic-led House committee voted Friday for several pieces of gun legislation that a Republican majority has blocked for years. Those bills include limiting handgun purchases to once a month and universal background checks on gun purchases.

RELATED: Virginia Senate passes 'red flag' gun law over fierce opposition

RELATED: CNU Poll: Virginia voters strongly back gun control laws

RELATED: Thousands rally for gun rights in Richmond

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