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Gov. Youngkin signs law allowing Virginia cities to reduce speed limits on some highways to 15 mph

The bill introduced by Del. Betsy Carr allows cities to reduce the speed limit to less than 25 miles per hour but not less than 15 miles per hour on state highways.

NORFOLK, Va. — A bill that would expand Virginia localities' authority to reduce speed limits to less than 25 miles per hour has been signed into law by Youngkin. 

The bill introduced by Delegate Betsy Carr allows cities to reduce the speed limit to less than 25 miles per hour but not less than 15 miles per hour on state highways in either business or residence districts.

The bill also authorizes localities to restore a speed limit that was reduced under the new law. Localities are required to notify the Commissioner of Highways of a change in speed limit.

During an interview with the Virginia Mercury, Del. Carr explained that the bill is meant to help reduce pedestrian deaths. 

“In 2019, we hit a new record number of pedestrian deaths and, despite the reduction in driving during the pandemic, speeding fatalities increased. We had 123 pedestrian fatalities in 2020. One in six people killed on Virginia’s roads is on foot now.”

The law will go into effect on July 1.

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