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Hatteras Island service members honor sailors who were killed by U-boats in WWII

During this annual tradition citizens and service members come together to place wreaths on the graves of the sailors who lost their lives in battle.

HATTERAS, N.C. — Today marks a day every year in which service members and citizens gather at the Buxton British Cemetery on Hatteras Island to honor two British sailors buried there 81 years ago. 

The National Park Service, United States Coast Guard, Royal British Navy, and American Legion all attended the memorial event. The memorial is to honor those two sailors and all others who lost their lives defending the coast of the United States during the Battle of the Atlantic.

The service members placed wreaths on the graves and local citizens read the names of the dead. The sounding of Taps and a 21-gun salute signaled the end of memorial services until next year. 

One commenter reacted to the memorial on Facebook saying "The first time I visited the Outer Banks as a tourist, this cemetery is the thing that made the biggest impact. I could feel the history."

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