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$19.2M renovation efforts to begin at Cape Hatteras Lighthouse

NPS predicts the lighthouse will be under construction for at least 18 months.
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The Cape Hatteras lighthouse tower near the town of Buxton on the Outer Banks of North Carolina

BUXTON, N.C. — The Cape Hatteras Lighthouse will soon undergo a major facelift as part of a $19.2 million multi-year project.

In a release on Monday, the National Park Service (NPS) warned visitors should anticipate some site closures as crews begin the first phase of the restoration effort in late January.

“After a lengthy and thoughtful planning process, we are excited to take this significant step towards preserving an iconic historic landmark,” said David Hallac, the superintendent of National Parks of Eastern North Carolina. 

With the help of Stone and Lime Historic Restoration Services, Inc., NPS plans to repair the interior and exterior of the lighthouse, replace deteriorated materials and finishes, along with improving the landscape. The park service said the repairs are essential "to maintain the integrity of this national treasure."

Among the renovations is the creation and installation of a replica first-order Fresnel lens. 

Although a temporary beacon will be installed, officials warn there will be periods when construction requires the light to be turned off.

During the renovations, varying closures will be in place surrounding the lighthouse, including a section of the parking lot. NPS said the park store and restrooms should remain open, however.

“We thank our visitors for their patience and understanding as the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse and its surrounding landscape are restored and enhanced over the next couple of years,” said Hallac.

NPS predicts the lighthouse will be under construction for at least 18 months. During the construction period, NPS said visitors will have a chance to view renovation efforts and access the Museum of the Sea.

Cape Hatteras National Seashore recommends visitors visit the park's website for the latest project updates.

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