VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — Heavy rain caused roadways and parts of neighborhoods in Virginia Beach to flood. One of the bad spots was along Salem Road.
Virginia Beach resident Kris Carter woke up to his car soaked.
"My car is the one in the water and now I have to call the insurance company," he said.
The rain was nonstop Thursday into Friday, with heavy downpours and the remnants of Hurricane Sally brought submerged driveways and flooded-out streets.
Carter is used to flooding in his neighborhood but didn't think it would get this bad.
"It does get flooded a lot because we don't have a lot of drainage, but I didn't think it was going to happen like this. I didn't think it rained enough for it to happen," he said.
Crews were on standby ahead of time to respond to the flooding and to clear storm debris. Three people needed help getting out of their flooded cars along Salem Road.
Virginia Beach resident Amanda Gaskin lives near that area.
"I woke up at 4 a.m. and just happened to look outside and then all of a sudden, I could only see half my wheels," she said.
The heaviest of the rain had let up by late Friday morning, but the effects of it will be around for a while.