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Missing Virginia Beach church cross found in pieces after being knocked down

Union Baptist Church said the 3-foot-tall cross fell from the steeple Christmas week due to powerful winds.

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — Update: A representative for the church said on December 30 that the cross had been found in multiple pieces on top of the church building.

A cross represents hope and sacrifice for Christian faith leaders.

Union Baptist Church Pastor Robert Barnes put it like this: “The cross is a symbol of God’s humanity to us."

You can usually find it on top of churches, and certainly at Barnes' in Virginia Beach. 

However, powerful wind gusts knocked it out of place on Friday. 

Facilities Director Lee McDaniel noticed the cross missing from on top of Union's steeple. He said he’s searched tirelessly to find it.

“Whichever way the garbage can went, that’s where I went looking for this cross,” McDaniel said.

Church leaders said the cross could be seen from the interstate, even guiding people to their location. But now they have no idea where it went. 

They’re asking community members on South Boulevard to be on the lookout for the roughly three-foot fixture.

“The housing over there, the cemetery, our cemetery," McDaniel said. "I’m going to go over there to see if it’s blown that far.”

Barnes is hopeful they’ll find the cross.

“The wind was so strong, I’m sure it blew it in some direction where it’s probably hidden," he said. "We feel as though we’re going to find it.”

Finding it is only part of the story. If it’s in good condition, they’ll have to figure out how to re-attach it to the steeple. If not, they’ll have to look into the cost of replacing it.

McDaniel said powerful winds also caused minor damage to the church's marquee door, but he was able to fix it. McDaniel said he won't stop searching for the cross.


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