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Thousands head to 'Pride at the Beach' despite soaring temps

There was a heat advisory in effect for much of Hampton Roads Sunday, with temperatures reaching the mid-90s in Virginia Beach.

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — A heat advisory was in effect for much of Hampton Roads Sunday, with temperatures reaching the mid-90s in Virginia Beach. 

Still, an estimated 5,000 people stopped by the fourth annual “Pride at the Beach.” This year's theme was "United in Pride." 

“We’re out here trying to gather together the whole queer community and our whole Hampton Roads community to celebrate the queer folks and everyone who makes Hampton Roads great," said Jeff Ryder, the board president of Hampton Roads Pride. 

Ryder said organizers took steps to help people beat the heat this year.

“We do have cabanas on the beach for shade, and there are coolers of water all throughout the event that we’re giving away for free," Ryder said. 

Many beachgoers made sure to pack water of their own. Some attendees carried fans, layered up on sunscreen, and took dips in the ocean to cool off.

If you plan to head to the beach during a blistery day like Sunday, remember to protect your feet. According to Chief of Virginia Beach Lifesaving Service Tom Gill, sand can get up to 140 degrees.

"Make sure you have on flip-flops, sandals, some kind of shoes," Gill said. "Do not walk across this beach barefoot in the middle of a hot day. You will burn the bottom of your feet. Do not bring your pets out here because the pets can’t tell you that their feet are burning!”

Gill said along with plenty of water, sports drinks with electrolytes are great for hot days.

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