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Five-year-old girl raises thousands to raise awareness for multiple sclerosis

Kellan Walsh, 5, raised close to $5,000 for the "Walk M.S." event in Virginia Beach to raise awareness for multiple sclerosis. That's the highest amount so far!

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week is a time to raise awareness for a disease that affects millions across the country.

In Virginia Beach, the Walk M.S. event raises money for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society to find a cure for the disease.

Kellan Walsh, 5, raised $5,000 for the event by making bracelets with a machine her family gave her as a Christmas gift. Then, she sells each bracelet for ten dollars and donates every penny.

“It makes me happy,” said Kellan. Her mom, Kristin Walsh, told us that she feels the same.

“Oh my gosh. It brings me to tears. It’s been so overwhelming to see the community and just our family. Our family has been brought together,” said Walsh.

She said making these bracelets has become a family affair with family roots. Walsh said her mother, Karen Moran, was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.

"It is hard for us, so this is our part in trying to help her and help everyone with M.S.,” said Walsh.

Moran said M.S. targets the nervous system.

“It’s like the electrical system in your house. If that goes bad, your whole house has problems,” said Moran.

Moran now needs a cane and a scooter. That’s why Kellan calls her ‘Beme,’ and the bracelets are called “Bracelets for Beme.”

So many people have ordered the bracelets. The Walsh’s have sent them to different states around the country, including Hawaii and California.

“We had no idea how big this would’ve become,” said Moran.

As a group, they’ve raised more than $11,000.

“The support for me even before all of this has been great, but now it is overwhelming,” said Moran.

For Kellan, it’s an act of love that just keeps on giving and is helping find a cure for M.S.

“I don’t want this to go to my daughters or my grandchildren. I don’t want it to go to anybody. I want it to stop with me,” said Moran.

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