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Suffolk Police Department sounds alarm on guns stolen from vehicles

According to police, they have recorded at least 15 gun thefts, so far in 2024.


On Wednesday morning, the Suffolk Police Department posted on X about the uptick in automotive break-ins leading to stolen weapons. According to the department, thieves have gotten away with a number of unsecured guns recently – many of which happened overnight.

Strong Arms Gun Club weapons trainer and safety expert, Joel Jones said he believes the issue is preventable.

 “Let's not get complacent when you're coming home," said Jones. "The criminal knows where to go to find easy vehicle access, right."

His company, Strong Arms, educates people in weapons training and safety, including the proper way to store guns in vehicles. Jones said gun owners shouldn’t leave their guns in their cars overnight, but that if they have to, they should use proper storage.

“If you use a lock box that you have, then you put a cable to it and you secure it or wrap it around, shall I say a metal object that's not movable inside the vehicle like the seat,”  Jones recommends.

Alongside using a gun safety box in your car, Jones said he recommends disassembling a part of the weapon, so if thieves do take it, when they attempt to use it, it will be inoperable.

“Make sure you can secure that twice," said Jones. "That way it cannot be removed out and if the thief wants to take it out, he's going to have to do some work, some serious work.”

According to Jones, following proper procedures can save a life.

“If we educate our children young, we can truly prevent these accidental shootings that are that have been happening and in our area," Jones said.

Police have also said other valuables are being stolen when people leave those valuables in plain view inside their vehicles. So far in 2024, criminals have taken at least 15 guns during vehicle break-ins across the city, according to a spokesperson from the Suffolk Police Department.

Virginia does offer a tax credit for those who purchase a gun safety device.

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