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Bears spotted in Suffolk

Bears and their young are out now that the weather has warmed up.
Bears walking near the woods on Nansemond Parkway in Suffolk on June 1, 2015

SUFFOLK, Va. (WVEC) -- Bears wandering near the roadside. It's not something you see every day, but it happens more often during Spring and Summer when the weather warms up.

On the 13News Now Facebook page, Dawn N. posted photos of black bears she saw near the woods on Nansemond Parkway in northern Suffolk on Monday.

City officials even advised residents via email in April that they might see bears in part due to the proximity to the Great Dismal Swamp.

A bear was spotted in Indian River Plantation in Virginia Beach in May.

Wildlife officials say black bears, the only bears in Virginia and North Carolina, are most active at dusk and dawn. and they stress it's illegal to deliberately feed bears on both public and private property.

If you do find a bear on or near your home or in a tree, leave it alone. Don't approach it or chase it. Because of their natural distrust of humans, a bear that feels cornered will look for an escape route. By keeping people and pets away from the bear, you give it the best chance to come down from the tree and leave your property on its own.

To minimize negative interactions with bears:

  • Secure your garbage: Store garbage indoors, in a shed, in a garage, or in a bear-proof container.
  • Put garbage out the morning of pick-up, not the night before.
  • Pick up pet food. Feed pets only what they will eat in a single feeding or feed them indoors. Remove the food bowl soon after pets finish. Pick up uneaten food. Do not leave food out overnight.
  • Remove the bird feeder: Bears consume seed and nuts found in the wild, so bird feeders become a favored target for bears.
  • Clean the outdoor grill often.
  • Do not put meat scraps or any other strong-smelling food in the compost pile. Consider an enclosed compost bin.
  • Do not leave strong-smelling food in your vehicles.
  • Pick up and remove ripe fruit from fruit trees and surrounding grounds.

Officials say bears have tremendous memories and may return for as many as 10-14 days looking for free food around your home.

For Suffolk residents who have an ongoing bear problem, call the Police Department at 757-923-2350, extension 0.

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