NORFOLK, Va. — Norfolk leaders once again are proposing to expand the St. Paul’s area revitalization project, adding to mixed-use housing development plans.
A city council resolution would add areas from Brambleton Avenue and Church Street down to Tidewater Gardens to the city's long-running redevelopment project.
The proposal would allow the Virginia Housing Development Authority to finance more new housing in the area.
A city spokesperson said the expansion would also add replacement housing for Tidewater Gardens residents, many of whom have been moved out of their homes while the city progresses with the redevelopment.
"The areas included in the most recent expansion are the next two low-income housing tax credit projects in the St. Paul’s area," said City of Norfolk spokesperson Kelly Straub.
Straub explained the proposed expansion would include replacement housing options, "affordable units and market-rate units" as part of the Choice Neighborhoods Initiative grant.
Redevelopment expansion is encouraging news for Norfolk resident Dubois Williams.
"It would be nice to rebuild something new, give Downtown Norfolk a different look," Williams said Friday.
However, Williams said the area needs more than just housing.
“If they tear [Tidewater Gardens] down and put these people out, I think they need to rebuild something and put the people back in here, give us a grocery store," he said.
The City of Norfolk has shared renderings of what they envision for blocks along Church Street and in Tidewater Gardens.
Norfolk settled a lawsuit over the St. Paul's redevelopment in November.
The lawsuit helps ensure current residents have the ability and assistance to return to the area.
“By them expanding people get a chance to start fresh," said Iania Staton, in Norfolk.
City council is expected to vote on the area expansion plans at their meeting Tuesday night.