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Beloved master firefighter and avid baseball fan Matthew Gallina is remembered in Harbor Park memorial service

Matthew Gallina died last week of esophageal cancer. He was a fire investigator with the Virginia Beach fire department.

NORFOLK, Va. — A memorial service was held for 48-year-old Virginia Beach master firefighter Matthew Gallina at Norfolk's Harbor Park on Monday. 

Gallina passed away last week from an occupational case of esophageal cancer after being diagnosed in the spring of 2023. Cancer is the leading cause of death for firefighters.

Gallina's widow Michelle recalls being both afraid and surprised by the diagnosis and agonizing over the question, "What next?"

"Matt was completely asymptomatic when he was diagnosed. There was nothing going on with him; this was something that came up out of the blue and for him to go within a year's time of being diagnosed to passing away a few days ago... it's hard, " Michelle said. 

RELATED: Friends and family gather to celebrate the life of Virginia Beach firefighter Matthew Gallina

Hundreds of firefighters, family, and friends gathered at the park greeted by a huge American flag hoisted by two ladder trucks. Bagpipers escorted Gallina's flag-draped casket into the park through rows of uniformed personnel standing at attention. 

Fire Chief Kenneth Pravetz remembered Gallina, a fire investigator, as having a relentless commitment to uncovering the truth and making sure every fire was understood in order to prevent future tragedies. 

Several others paid tribute including Gallina's good friend and fellow firefighter, Matthew Gifford.

Michelle delivered the eulogy and promised to be the fighter that her husband was, calling him her strength. "So if my Matt was a fighter, then so am I. I promise to fight for early cancer screenings to raise awareness and to save lives. Matt's sacrifice will not be in vain. "

Gallina's cancer was first detected after a department-wide screening in 2023 for 50 different cancers using the Galleri blood test designed to screen for some of the deadliest cancers before they become symptomatic. 

RELATED: Family of Virginia Beach firefighter with cancer says new screening test was pivotal. Here's how it helps.

The testing is particularly important to the Virginia Beach Fire Department following the diagnoses of several in the rank and file, some of whom were present at the 2012 Navy jet crash into an apartment complex. The scene was covered in toxic, charred debris. 

"These firefighters are involved with different situations where carcinogens are just surrounding them constantly, be it chronic exposure over 20 plus years or an acute exposure like with the jet crash that happened," Michelle said. 

Still teetering between reality and disbelief, Michelle said she is eternally grateful to the community support for her and her three children, Gallina leaves behind.

"He was such a big part of the family. it's going to hurt for a long time."

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