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Virginia Dems to hold military veterans press conference ahead of Trump's Chesapeake rally

The Democratic Party of Virginia will host a press conference to address Trump's comments on veterans and the military ahead of his visit to Chesapeake.
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CHESAPEAKE, Va. — Virginia Democrats are holding a press conference with military veterans ahead of former Republican President Donald Trump's rally in Chesapeake Friday.

The press conference starts at 10 a.m. and will feature Democratic Party of Virginia (DPVA) Chair Susan Swecker; Democratic U.S. House candidate for Virginia's 2nd District and Navy veteran Missy Cotter Smasal; and Chair of the DNC Veterans and Military Families Council and Army veteran Terron Sims.

"Ahead of Donald Trump’s visit to the Hampton Roads area, home to nearly 120,000 active duty military members and 220,000 veterans, the speakers will call out Donald Trump for his long record of disrespecting Americans in uniform, including referring to those killed in service as 'suckers' and 'losers,'" the DPVA said in a press release, referring to alleged comments made by the former president. 

The release continued: "The speakers will highlight the threat a second Trump term poses to our democracy and our freedoms that veterans and fallen soldiers have fought for."

Trump's campaign event is set for the Historic Greenbrier Farms at 3 p.m. Friday, June 28, according to a release. The Trump campaign says the 45th president will be discussing economics, specifically inflation, during Biden's presidency.

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