CHESAPEAKE, Va. — If your resolution for 2023 was to be more active, you're in good company.
Five days into the new year, though, you may not quite have completed that couch-to-5K transformation.
Jordan Bridge Rundays is a group in Chesapeake that's ready to meet you wherever you are on that fitness journey. They've been meeting up for 7 years, and they celebrate walkers, runners and post-exercise drinks.
The bridge is part of the group's identity.
A group of friends started running there to work on incline fitness, but the beautiful view drew in more and more participants.
It's the highest point in Hampton Roads, at 169 feet.
The walkway allows for four to five people to walk or run side-by-side, so it's great for camaraderie, too.
Sunay, Jan. 8 is the next time the group is running, at 3:30 p.m.
Because of a recent fire, people can only approach the bridge from the Chesapeake/South Norfolk side, for now. The run loops back before it gets to the part of the bridge that is under repair on the Portsmouth side.
After the run on Jan. 8, participants are planning to meet up at Three Notch'd Craft Kitchen and Brewery.
If you register on Facebook, you can be notified of any cancellations or updates to the event.