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Making Your Mark: EOW Runs to honor the USS Cole crew & other heroes

NORFOLK, VA (WVEC) -- Adam Dibble and Mike Gordon are two friends on a mission to make sure our community never forgets local heroes who died serving our country or community.

NORFOLK, VA (WVEC) -- Adam Dibble and Mike Gordon are two friends on a mission to make sure our community never forgets local heroes who died serving our country or community.

And on this, the 16th anniversary of the terrorist bombing on the Norfolk-based USS Cole off the coast of Yemen, they're turning their attention to honoring that brave crew.

They hold EOW Runs and remembrance ceremonies... that's short for End of Watch Runs and Remembrance ceremonies. Adam came up with the idea for these special runs, because he's a competitive runner and one day, he had an idea.

"I used to run for medals. Now I run for meaning," Adam said.

This year, they've held special EOW Runs for other fallen military heroes and first responders, like:

  • VA State Trooper Chad Dermyer, who was killed by a gunman in a training exercise in Richmond
  • Krijger, the Norfolk Police K-9 shot and killed
  • Fallen Norfolk Police Officer Brian Jones, whose widow says what Mike and Adam are doing is priceless for the families of these fallen heroes.

"They're awesome guys," said Rebeka Jones. "The support is absolutely amazing."

"It made me feel real good," said Officer Jones' 6-year-old son. "I want to say thank you."

That's exactly what Mike and Adam are saying to our fallen heroes with these EOW Runs. They're also sending a message to their families, too, making their mark so we don't forget what their loved ones gave up to keep us safe.

For more information, contact EOW Run, Inc. at eowrun.org or 757 354-3517.

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