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13News Now Vault: Honoring one of the bravest of the 'forgotten war'

Richard "Dick" Bonelli fought in the Korean War and was wounded in what many call the most intense battles in modern warfare.

NORFOLK, Va. — Over the years, 13News Now's Memorial Day coverage has brought us to the beach, malls, markets and parades.

But in a region with rich military roots, we know the true meaning of the day will always be with the men and women who sacrificed it all for our freedoms.

In 1991, 13News Now caught up with retired U.S. Marine Dick Bonelli, a veteran of the Korean War.

Bonelli fought and was wounded in what many call the most intense battles in modern warfare.

In November 1950, at a place called Toktong Pass, Bonelli’s Fox Company of 240 Marines was outnumbered 20 to one by Chinese soldiers in the Battle of the Chosin Reservoir.

At the time, Bonelli, who was 19 at the time, thought his life was over.

“Being surrounded seeing the bodies every day being dwindled down, no end in sight,” said Bonelli in 1991. “You couldn’t dig a foxhole because the ground was too cold.”

Bonelli survived, and for his heroism, he received a Purple Heart and a Silver Star for singlehandedly operating a machine gun to protect his fellow Marines.

“It’s a forgotten war, to begin with,” said Bonelli in 1991. “It just means more to me now.”

Bonelli died on June 22, 2021, at the age of 90.

According to his obituary, he was predeceased by his “bride," Mary of 66 years, and his oldest son, Rick. He is survived by his children, Mike, Joe, Steve, Tom, Theresa, Marie, and Betty. 

He was a proud Pa Pa to 18 grandchildren and 25 great-grandchildren. He cherished the brotherhood of his Marine Corp family and was very proud to be called a Marine.

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