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Open enrollment begins for health insurance under Affordable Care Act

President Biden signed an executive order to give people more time to sign up under the Act, which is also known as Obamacare.

RICHMOND, Va. — For the next three months, you have another chance to sign up for health insurance coverage under the Affordable Care Act.

Open enrollment began on Feb. 15 at healthcare.gov and will end on May 15.

President Joe Biden signed an executive order in January to give uninsured Americans another chance to qualify for coverage under the Act, which is also known as Obamacare. 

Attorney General Mark Herring said this is a chance for Virginians, who may have missed the last enrollment period or lost their jobs, to see what options they have.  

“Many people will qualify for reduced premiums, or even the entire cost of the insurance will be covered, so it’s really important for Virginians to take advantage of this opportunity," Herring said. 

“Hundreds of thousands of Virginians have lost their jobs during the pandemic, and oftentimes with a job loss comes a loss of employer-sponsored health insurance.”

Many people also lost their lives during the pandemic.   

President of Hampton Roads-based Celebrate Healthcare, Gaylene Kanoyton said getting insurance is especially important during the coronavirus pandemic, because regular health screenings and check-ups could identify underlying health conditions.

“It is so important, I cant say that enough, to have insurance – now and forever – especially during a pandemic," Kanoyton said.

“Their mammograms, colonoscopy, physicals. Because early detection of disease will help in the long run, especially if you come down with COVID."

Kanoyton said this new enrollment period was important, partly because the last administration slashed the marketing budget and cut the enrollment period from 12 weeks down to 6 weeks.

“A lot of people weren’t able to get enrolled. They didn’t have time to get enrolled," she said.

She said millions of Americans were without heath insurance, and some people are unaware they even qualify for coverage under the Affordable Care Act.  

“There’s still some confusion and that’s why it’s so important that we get this enrollment period announced," she said.

Kanoyton said if you’re uninsured, it’s important to check if you qualify. If you don't qualify for coverage under the Act, you may still qualify for insurance coverage under the expanded Medicaid.

“If you are under-employed, unemployed, or work part time, you still can get insurance," she said.

If you need help signing up for health insurance or to find out more information on what your options are, you can contact Celebrate Healthcare at 757.287.0277, or visit their website: celebratehealthcare.net.

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