HAMPTON, Va. — Author's note: the video above is from a similar announcement made by the Navy on September 23, 2020.
Following in the area's Naval footsteps, Tuesday afternoon, Joint Base Langley-Eustis moved its health condition from HPCON Charlie to HPCON Bravo, enabling more freedoms for servicemembers and their families.
That takes effect immediately.
Social distancing and mask-wearing are still required, but some outsiders can come back on base now.
ID holders can apply for base guest passes once again, and as long as the drivers wear appropriate face coverings, ride-shares and food delivery services will be allowed back in.
"While these amendments ease certain restrictions, those travelling on and off JBLE should remain vigilant and continue to follow public health guidance such as social distancing, proper hygiene and use of face coverings," wrote a spokesperson.