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COVID-19 survivors' plasma may offer hope to current patients fighting the virus

A Virginia Beach COVID-19 survivor is waiting for his chance to donate his plasma to help others.

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — Research is ongoing to find out how antibodies can help coronavirus patients.

The American Red Cross is asking COVID-19 survivors to donate convalescent plasma.

“The COVID-19 infection was easily the worst infection I’ve had in my lifetime,” said survivor Tim Martin.

Martin is from Virginia Beach. He struggled with the virus for almost a month.

“Just standing up getting out of the bed was enough to make me lose my breath,” said Martin.

Martin’s pain is a reminder of how others are struggling with the virus. He wants to give back by donating his plasma to the American Red Cross.

“There are physicians across the country that believe that patients who have recovered from the coronavirus may contain antibodies in their blood that is going to provide some therapeutic value to patients who are still fighting the coronavirus,” said American Red Cross Communications Director Jonathan McNamara.

McNamara mentioned hospitals are getting the donations.

“We have to date administered over a thousand plasma prescriptions to hospitals across the county and that pool continues to expand daily,” said McNamara.

Martin wants to add to that number in Hampton Roads.

“I sincerely hope that my donation, when I can finally get it done is going to be sufficient to help as many people as humanly possible,” expressed Martin.

Martin is currently on a waitlist for his appointment to donate.

The American Red Cross has a list of requirements to donate plasma that can be found here.

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