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Hospitals 'not turning patients away' as COVID-19 hospitalizations rise in Hampton Roads

It's a race between getting more vaccine shots into arms and trying to keep up with the number of COVID-19 patients in hospitals throughout Virginia.

NORFOLK, Va. — Virginia Hospital and Healthcare Association said it is seeing COVID-19 hospitalizations spike across the Commonwealth. 

Vice President of Communications, Julian Walker, said Hampton Roads is one of the major areas seeing these spike in cases.

Walker said the lack of people getting vaccinated is a driving force behind these hospitalizations.

"What we're seeing in terms of hospitalizations now are largely, not exclusively, but largely among those who are unvaccinated," said Walker. "That really is one of the best lines of defense we have of limiting the spread of the virus."  

Walker said hospital capacities in the Commonwealth did not reach their limits yet, but the numbers are heading in the wrong direction. 

He said the number of COVID-19 patients started climbing following the Fourth of July holiday and Hampton Roads is no stranger to this trend. 

"1,265 hospitalizations today is approaching the peak that we saw back in the summer of 2020," said Walker. "The expectation was that if there was a rise in cases, that they wouldn't occur until temperatures got a little cooler, and people start going indoors, so the fact that we're seeing it now is a little bit concerning."

Riverside Health System on the Peninsula said it is also seeing an unusually high number of cases in their hospital beds. A spokesperson sent this statement to 13News Now:

"Riverside Health System, similar to other health systems across the state, has seen an increase in COVID-19 cases over the past several weeks. COVID-19 cases are primarily from those who have not yet been vaccinated."

Sentara Healthcare also sent a statement to 13News Now, saying:

"Sentara Healthcare is not turning patients away, but we are seeing a rise in the number of COVID-19 patients in our facilities. The majority of these COVID-19 patients are unvaccinated. We are prepared to adjust and expand our capabilities as needed."

Walker said this upward trend could put hospitals in difficult positions. He said in order to avoid this outcome, more people need to get vaccinated.

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