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Good Samaritan and U.S. Veteran stops to help General Colin Powell after tire blew out on I-495

Anthony Maggert worked in Afghanistan as a civilian employee, recognized Powell and wanted to help.
Credit: General Colin Powell


A good Samaritan got a Facebook shout out Thursday from one of America's most decorated veterans -- former Gen. Colin Powell -- who he helped after his tire had a blowout on Interstate 495. 

According to a Facebook post, Powell was headed to an appointment at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center for an exam when his front tire had a blowout.

Powell said a man, Anthony Maggert, got out of his car and offered to help before he had an opportunity to change his tire. Maggert worked as a civilian employee in Afghanistan.

Powell said Maggert quickly finished the job and they both rushed off to their appointments at the hospital before he could get Maggert’s name and address. They did however manage to snap a quick selfie. 

Credit: General Colin Powell

Maggert later sent a note to Powell calling him, "an inspiration, a leader and a statesman."

Maggert referred to Powell as the, "giant whose shoulders we stood upon to carry the torch to light the way."

Powell responded telling Maggert he, "touched [his] soul and reminded [him] about what this country is all about."

Check out the full Facebook post below:

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