YORKTOWN, Va. — The York County School Division is temporarily going back to remote learning.
Superintendent Victor Shandor sent a letter to families on Monday, sharing concerns of a potential spike in coronavirus cases after the holidays.
Next week -- November 30 to December 4 -- and the week after winter break, everyone will go back to the remote schedule. Employees will still show up for work on-site.
This will also shift the target dates to get grades 7 through 12 students to the hybrid model. The date adjustments are listed below:
- November 30 - Staff report 4 days in-person to prepare for shift to Hybrid; all students temporarily learn in Remote Model
- December 7-18 - Grades PreK-6; EL and self-contained resume Hybrid Model
- January 4 - All staff report 4 days in-person; students temporarily learn in Remote Model
- January 11 - Grades PreK-6; EL and self-contained resume Hybrid Model; Grades 7,8,9 or 12 could possibly begin Hybrid Model*
- January 19 - Grades 7,8, 9 or 12 could possibly begin Hybrid Model*
- February 1 - Remaining grades could possibly begin Hybrid Model
*One or more of these grades, dependent on staffing and health metrics.