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Parents weigh idea of separating Williamsburg James City County schools

A new feasibility study shared with the Williamsburg City Council revealed several factors to consider if leaders decide to form an independent school system. 

WILLIAMSBURG, Va. — Parents are weighing in on the idea of splitting Williamsburg James City County schools into separate divisions.

Right now, the City of Williamsburg operates a joint system with James City County but city leaders are mulling over the possibility of forming its own school division. 

13News Now previously reported about a newly released study showing what it would take for Williamsburg to run its school system, and that leaders are now seeking feedback from the community. 

“I think parents are going to have a lot of strong opinions," said parent Ellen Knecht. 

While there are no plans for a separation in place, a new feasibility study revealed to city leaders Monday lays out factors to consider if it were to happen, including a breakdown of finances and school sizes. 

Knecht has three children in the school division.

She said parents care deeply about local schools and she's hopeful their voices will be heard. 

“I really trust that the school system is doing its due diligence and that the school board is going to make the right decision," she said. 

Colette Roots walks her grandchildren to the bus every day. She fears a split would hurt families in less affluent parts of the area. 

“It’s going to be no," she said. "Do not divide the school system.” 

Roots would like the city and county to work together.

Katherine Bailey, a mother of five, is on the same page. She says she doesn’t understand why leaders would want to divide resources. 

“Why would then be dividing more money to split between two localities that are so close together, instead of just fixing some of our other issues like teacher pay, the bus driver situation we have and a million other things we could list that would be higher priorities for this division,” Bailey said.  

"This has to be an extremely transparent process," Williamsburg Mayor Doug Pons told 13News Now Monday. 

If the city were to go forward with this plan, he says a potential new district wouldn't start for a few years, due to a recently signed five-year, joint school agreement. 

Pon says this study is the first step in a very long process, and they want to make sure the community is involved before any decisions are made. 

Williamsburg City Council will hold a public hearing on March 26th at 5:30 p.m. at James Blair Middle School, 

Residents can also share comments online here

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