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Hampton Roads teachers say Youngkin's cell phone ban is a good thing

Students being able to use cell phones in Virginia public schools will be coming to an end next year


Educators across Hampton Roads weighed in on the cell phones in school debate.

Kelly Forman teaches middle school in Suffolk, he's sick of cell phones in his class. 

"Teachers spend way too much time dealing with cell phones, whether asking kids to put them away because they're taking pictures or texting sometimes, maybe bullying, things like that,” Forman said. 

He says phones are a major distraction in the classroom.  However, some teachers may use phones in the learning process. Forman says the problems have persisted for years. 

The executive order signed yesterday would require the Virginia Department of Education to establish guidelines and rules for a cell phone-free learning environment. 

Forman says phones aren't necessary in the learning process. 

"The cell phone is not necessary for learning in the classroom. Every kid at our school has a laptop....so there's no reason to say that oh, so and so needs to have this cell phone for learning in the classroom," Forman said. 

Dr. James Graves teaches in Newport News and is president of the Newport News Education Association. He agrees the ban is necessary but knows pushback from parents and students is expected. Graves believes the outcomes will be worth it.

"It's going to be tough, just like any change in life is tough. But I think we can make it happen for the betterment of all students,” Dr. Graves said.

Virginia's Department of Education will have until August 15th to establish guidelines. School divisions must adopt them by January of next year. 

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