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Baseball league signs remind parents 'it’s just a game'

Branson said years of watching parents act aggressively toward kids and each other led to the installation of these particularly blunt signs at Concord Park.

KNOXVILLE, Tennessee -- Years of unsolicited coaching from the sidelines led a local youth baseball league to put up some new signs directed at parents.

Farragut Baseball Inc. is a non-profit youth baseball league that plays out at Concord Park in Knoxville.

Their organizers said years of watching parents get way too intense at games prompted the posting of these signs this weekend.

Farragut Baseball Inc. posted these signs at the fields at Concord Park.

"It's probably long overdue honestly," said Steven Branson, league director for Farragut Baseball Inc.

Branson said years of watching parents act aggressively toward kids and each other led to the installation of these blunt signs at Concord Park.

"It's a way to catch your attention," said Branson. "I think if it had been too subtle people would have ignored it."

Parents at Tuesday's baseball games were all for the reminder to promote sportsmanship in their young athletes.

"Well when I saw the sign I thought this is a really good reminder for parents as to why we're here and what we're here to do and support our kids," said baseball mom Carol Slatas.

On social media, many people agreed it's a great addition to the fields, one person tweeting "YES need them in every park."

But Some Twitter users were quick to condemn the idea, saying "softness and signs like those are why scholarships are not being given out on that field."

Other Twitter users said sportsmanship is common sense, and "it's a shame it's come to this."

"All the statements on [the signs] are pretty much straight forward of what we want to convey to parents," said Branson.

He hopes the signs remind parents that their young kids are out there playing ball just to have fun.

"They're just kids," said Branson. "Let's not put too much pressure on them because that comes soon enough without our help anyway."

Branson said since the signs were put up last weekend, he's gotten no direct complaints about them.

Lots of parents have come to him voicing their support.

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