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Publix debuts new wheelchair-accessible shopping carts

One Florida mom excitedly shared a video of her daughter using one of the new carts at a Publix.

LUTZ, Fla. — A Publix store in Lutz rolled out a wheelchair-friendly shopping cart to address the need for one of its customers.

Tiffani Borders excitedly shared a video of her daughter using one of the new shopping carts at a Publix store in Lutz.

"Publix gave my daughter the chance to grab just a little more independence," Borders said on Facebook. "These attachable wheelchair accessible shopping carts are the best. Thanks Publix for including her and everyone else that this will help!"

The shopping carts can attach to parts of the wheelchair and allow people to more easily push a cart full of groceries while also using their wheelchair.

"We want all of our customers to have a pleasurable shopping experience at Publix," Spokesperson Brian West said.

While this style of shopping carts aren't available at every Publix store, they are available at other stores besides the one in Lutz. Stores get these types of carts based on customer requests and need.

"Once we identify the need for the specialty cart at a store, we work with our customers to meet those needs," West said.

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