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Modern Parents: 13News Now Daybreak anchor Lucy Bustamante

Daybreak just had an epic reunion, because their family got a little bigger.

Daybreak just had an epic reunion, because their family got a little bigger.

Anchor Lucy Bustamante, a "modern parent," gave birth to baby Nicolas on April 25!

"[Nicolas] doesn't have a room yet. He's still really tiny, so I keep him next to the bed," Lucy tells the Daybreak team during their visit to her home.

Lucy is a devoted mom who balances a career with raising four children... all under the age of 6!

She makes it look easy, but sometimes, it's not.

"Does he sleep a lot?" asks Daybreak Traffic Anchor Ashley Smith.

Lucy's response: "I don't even wanna talk about it!"

However, even while tending to a newborn and entertaining guests during Daybreak's visit, Lucy took time out to cherish every little moment with each of her little ones.

Also, she still keeps up with the Daybreak shows while on maternity leave.

"I know I'm texting you guys during the shows," Lucy jokingly told the team.

Exactly how she manages it all remains a mystery, but one thing is clear: "modern parent" Lucy Bustamante and her family are surrounded by a village of support and love.

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